Paperlike, the plastic derivate that revolutionised cold meat storage

The Challenge

Up to 2001 all hypermarkets and supermarkets used paper combined with thermo-weldable plastic (laminated paper) to pack fresh food, namely ham, cheese and other similar products. In addition to its high cost, this product could not be recycled. Also, humidity dissolved the paper compromising fresh food storage.

The Solution

Being aware of the several fragilities of this product, we questioned ourselves and saw the opportunity to find something better.

After researching and testing, we created a new material that we called “Paperlike”.

External tests confirmed that this material’s technical features in terms of food storage were better (certified by Centro Nacional de Embalagem), that it would decrease the reproduction and development of microorganisms responsible for food poisoning (certified by Laviagro, ISQ).

In addition, this new solution is environmentally sustainable (100% recyclable) and is made in Portugal, therefore decreasing laminated paper imports.

In a two years’ time, the benefits of this article led the majority of large-scale hypermarket and supermarket chains in Portugal into using Paperlike. This new eco-friendly product is revolutionising the market since 2001 and became a huge success.
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Publication Date: 01 Jan 2001