Check our FAQ list..

Questions? Please check our FAQ list.

Is Silvex a Portuguese Company?

Yes. Silvex was founded in 1968. Its brand was created in 1972 and registered in 1987 with Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial under no. 203105.

Where can I buy Silvex’s products?

You can buy our products at supermarkets, hypermarkets and cash-and-carry stores or directly through us by sending an e-mail to
Aditionally, you can buy them directly in our online store here

I am interested in one of your products, but I have a question about it. Could you enlighten me?

Yes. You can send your question to

How can I contact Silvex?

You can use one of the following contacts:

Quinta da Brasileira, Lote 10
2130-999 Benavente

For more information, please check here

How do you test your product’s quality?

Our products are tested by Centro Nacional de Embalagem, from which we are affiliates. Silvex products are regularly tested for quality at our labs during the manufacturing process.

I have found a defect in one of your products. How can I inform you about this?

Please send your information to: .

I have found an error at your website (missing image, typos, etc.). How can I inform you about this?

Please send your information to:

My personal data is processed for which purposes by Silvex?

Silvex will process any personal data that you decide to provide us according to the terms of our privacy policy. Check our Privacy Policy page.

For what purposes can Silvex use my personal data?

During its activity, Silvex collects and processes personal data belonging to clients and their representatives, for various purposes.

For more detail about this subject, please read VI. Procedures for collecting and processing clients’ personal data section in Clients' privacy policy here.

How can I exercise my rights regarding my personal data?

You can do it by sending an e-mail to

How safe is my personal data?

Silvex implements a number of procedural and technological measures that aim to ensure the security of the processing of personal data that is executed by Silvex or its subcontractors.

For more information about this matters, please read XI. Processing Security section in Clients' privacy policy here.

Does Silvex share its customer and consumer’s personal data with third parties?

Client data may be transferred to other companies in the Silvex group or to other partners to whom Silvex might resort to ensure the fulfilment of the relationship purposes between client/partner and Silvex.
For more details, please consult IX. Transfer of personal data to third parties section in the privacy policy that represents the relationship that you have with Silvex (client, supplier or worker/applicant).

How regularly are new job opportunities with Silvex posted?

Please check the Recruitment page regularly so you are always up-to-date in regard to new employment opportunities. Most times, we also post our job vacancies on LinkedIn.

Who can access my personal data after I register online for a job application?

Your personal data will be accessed by the Recruitment Team and by the Managers in charged for the vacancy.

What is Circular Economy?

Circular Economy consists in transitioning from a linear model to a circular model by using resources in a more effective, sustainable way in the production of goods and services. Under this model, all waste must be transformed in potential sub-products or other materials, through innovation, in order to promote reuse, recovery and recycling while promoting economic growth.

What is "Mulch", "Mulch Film", "Agriculture film" or "Film to cover soils "?

This term refers to the plastic film used in agriculture and gardening to cover soil. This film enables the increase in soil temperature, prevents the growth of infesting species and prevents water from evaporating therefore improving soil physical properties.

What is degradation?

Degradation is a change in the chemical structure of a material that implies a significant change of such material’s properties. There are several types of degradation: thermal, mechanical, oxidative (oxodegradable), radioactive (photodegradable) or caused by microorganisms (biodegradable).

What does the word Biodegradable mean?

A material is biodegradable when at the end of its life cycle its organic matter is decomposed by microorganisms in carbon dioxide, water, minerals and biomass, in the presence of oxygen, or in carbon dioxide, methane, minerals and biomass, in the absence of oxygen (EN 13432).

What is Composting?

Composting involves the controlled biological decomposition of a biodegradable material and transformation of such material in carbon dioxide, water, minerals and organic material (compound or humus).

What are biodegradable plastics?

Biodegradable plastics are those plastics whose degradation results from the action of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and algae) in organic materials. When oxygen is present, these plastics are decomposed into carbon dioxide, water, minerals and biomass. When there is no oxygen, these plastics are decomposed into carbon dioxide, methane, minerals and biomass (EN 13432).

And oxodegradable plastics?

Oxodegradable plastics are those plastics whose degradation occurs via oxidation resulting in their fragmentation in small particles that remain in the environment for undefined periods. According with the standards EN 13432 and ASTM 6400, oxodegradable plastics are not compostable.

What’s the difference between traditional polyethylene (PE) and green polyethylene (green PE)?

Polyethylenes (PE) are traditionally made from fossil raw materials like petroleum or natural gas and we can find them in several day-to-day products: food packages, cosmetics, beverages, bags, etc.
Green polyethylene (I’m greenTM), also known as “Green Plastic” or “Green PE” is a plastic made from 100% renewable raw materials (Brazilian sugar cane). The green polyethylene I’m greenTM has the same features as traditional polyethylene, both in terms of application and recycling.

What are bioplastics?

Bioplastics are plastics made from renewable raw materials like sugar cane, corn, potato, cassava, etc. These plastics can be biodegradable and compostable, like the Agrobiofilm® mulch, or non-biodegradable like green PE.

Why is it so important to separate garbage and recycle?

Because by separating garbage we are decreasing the amount of waste deposited in landfills and sending it to recycle centres where they will be transformed into new products for reuse. This way, we are contributing to waste reuse while promoting a rational use of resources and minimising environmental impact and the use of non-renewable natural resources.

Which items should I put into Recycle Bins?

  • Blue Bin – Paper and Cardboard: 

You can deposit: used paper sheets, journals, magazines, books, cardboard boxes, Tetra Pak packages like milk and juice packages.

You cannot deposit: soiled paper or cardboard (e.g. paper napkin with leftovers), wet paper, chemical paper or sticker paper.

  • Green Bin - Glass:

You can only deposit glass packages, i.e. glass bottles or jars. However, you should take their plastic or metal caps or corks.

Other glass from windows, mirrors, vehicles, lamps, crystals and some types of porcelain similar to glass must not be placed at this bin.

  • Yellow Bin – Plastic and metal packages:

You can deposit: plastic bottles and jars, plastic bags and Styrofoam packages, beverage cans, food cans and spray cans.

You cannot deposit: packages with leftovers and also toxic product packages, like pesticides, herbicides or poison.